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Categories Of Ground Ambulance Edmonton

By Gregory Davis

Ambulances are specially designed and well equipped vehicles used in transportation of patients who are either injured or ill. They are of great importance in that they help critically ill individuals who cannot use the ordinary vehicles for transport. Ground ambulance Edmonton in addition to transportation of injured and sick persons to attain the required treatment they also help the patients by providing medical care to them.

Ambulances of Edmonton, Alberta are designed in such a way that they can carry the patients to the needed destination. Ground ambulances are categorized differently depending on the on the condition in which the transported patients are. The emergency category carries those who are seriously ill and are in need of medical care within a very short period of time. The intention of the high speed they move in is to try to save the lives of persons who are very sick by rushing them to the required destination.

There are those that transport the patients to required places from the hospitals. Like for example, from one hospital to another. Generally those transported are under stable condition therefore they do not move as fast as those of emergency type. But in rare cases the patient may be required to be rushed to needed destination to receive certain medical attention and there is no any other option other than hurrying up. In many cases they are either buses or vans.

The response unit moves to the scene of the accidents or where the patient is to provide the treatment. They move at a phenomenal speed so as to help in saving the lives of individuals in critical condition. These type lack the capacity to transport the patient but in many cases they act as backup with emergency ones to help in carrying persons under care to the required destination. They can either be cars, motorcycles or even the vans.

Charity one transports the people who are unwell and have been in the health center for a relatively longer period of time. They move them to various trips and vocations. At times are required to be moved to another hospital for certain required purposes. In this case this type is required for the movement. The persons suffering from obesity are carried with a type called bariatric.

The roles played by these vehicles include the inter-hospital transportation of patients. This happens where a patient needs to be transported to another hospital for further treatment. This is very common where less equipped hospitals discharge their patients to highly equipped ones. They also act as backup for the air transportation. They also get used where the patients are being discharged to other care facilities in case one has received the necessary treatment and needs a better care.

Good medical transport for emergency services should meet the following requirements. They should comply with the required rules and regulations as set by the authority. They should also have the licenses and all the permits as required by the law. They also should have the necessary equipment to provide care to the patients. They are usually used when the patient is so ill to use other means of transport. It should transport patients to the nearest hospital capable of treating the patient.

A case can be said to be an emergency one if, the sick individual cannot get out of bed without the help. If one cannot ambulate, and also if one is unable to use the chair wheel, one vividly to qualifies to receive emergency services.

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