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The Need Of Multiple Charitable Giving

By Helen Wilson

The act of giving is that of human preservation. It preserves good morals for future generations, which guarantees that they will live in harmony and peace. At times, you may find yourself in tragic situations that you have no control over. If you are unable to deal with the occurrence, try asking for assistance from friends and relatives. However, where the situation is dire and has affected a multitude of people; it may be difficult for the government or a single community to handle. Therefore, many non-governmental organizations such as multiple charitable giving may come together and round up both financial and labor resources to aid the survivors.

Natural disasters such as drought and famine, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions may leave survivors at the mercy of Mother Nature, which is at times unforgiving. They will be left homeless and suffer from cold nights and excessive heat during the day. Most charities have technological equipment such as planes and safety gear that helps both the victims and volunteers to overcome these extreme conditions.

Moreover, they co-relate with governments and other organizations to make the process easier. In such situations, there may be so many people who may be injured or trapped, and you will need all the assistance you can get to hasten the rescue operations and reduce the workload.

War should always come as a last result in dealing with issues since it can cause misery and suffering. With the advancement in weaponry, it has become more deadly and capable of causing more destruction. This means more homes are destroyed, children orphaned, and many are left wounded. Charity volunteers have to be strong and fearless to be able to go in such places and deal with the horrors that they see.

Apart from delivering supplies, tending to the sick is part of their priority. This because war scares people and if everyone runs away including professionals in key sectors, then there will be no one to help the wounded or even develop the economy. Therefore, as a helper, you are trained to deal with all the situations that may arise to enhance your chances that of the affected for survival.

Countries with a retarding economy have citizens that cannot afford necessities. They range from food, shelter, and clothes. This can subject them to diseases that are severe. Because of their poor financial situation, they cannot be able to afford proper health care; thus, my end up dead. Donors are trying to bring food, medicine, clothes, and doctors to help the people so that they can have better living standards.

Helping does not only involve giving but also showing them how to work. Work guarantees that they will be capable of aiding themselves, even if the charities are not there. For instance, if there is water shortage digging wells is a good solution to such a problem.

Serving the needy should be a personal initiative; thus, no strings attached. The intention should be to help out without expecting to get anything in return purely. This promotes harmonious living between individuals, groups and nations and support during hard times.

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