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Discover The Different Kinds Of 3D Printer Filament And Their Uses

By Ronald Wallace

The thermoplastic materials used in 3D printers are called filaments, and they come in different types. Each type has its own set of functions for varying kinds of needs. The material known to come in two standard diameters and offers a wide variety of colorful hues.

Through the simple process of heating, extruding of plastic, and cooling, filaments are created. Once those three are done, the plastic comes out transparent and the coloring is the last step before being complete and ready to be sold. If you are pondering upon which one you should get, read on to discover the different kinds of 3D printer filament and its many uses.

Being knowledgeable first should be done when deciding to buy one of these. This is for you to know which one is the best for your project, and the reasons why. It is better to avoid any additional expenses due to the wrong purchase being made. In order to figure out which one to get, the next few paragraphs will be discussing the standard filaments in the market today.

The most well known and widely used is called ABS and it stands for acrylonitrile butadiene styrene. Its most distinct feature is its capacity to retain its toughness, while being flexible. Other characteristics it possesses is its apparent longevity and being resistant to any kind of impact.

PLA is the second kind and is often compared with ABS because of its flexibility and endurance. However, what sets it apart is that it is actually made from renewable resources which makes it low toxic and safe for the environment. PLA stands for polylactic acidand because of its low toxic levels, it causes no odor and does not need to be heated.

PET means polyethylene terephthalate and is the most Eco friendly material in the market today. Apart from being completely stable, odorless, and being transparent when at its initial state, PET isalso produced from recycled plastic bottles. Because of its vapor barrier and strength, PET is often utilized in packaging products, like phone and laptop cases.

When you are holding a CD case, you are actually holding in your hands a type of biodegradable material called HIPS. HIPS stands for high impact polystyrene, and what makes it special is that it does no harm to people or animals who come in close contact with it. Surgical trays utilized in hospitals are another popular product made from HIPS.

Polyamide or more commonly called nylon is one of the most popularly used today. Aside from the cheapest one you can purchase in stores, nylon is incredibly lightweight and flexible. Not only that, nylon is wear resistant too. Due to the chemicals that comprise nylon, it is utilized in a lot of things like tools, containers, machine parts, and even toys made for children.

These are just a few of the varying kinds of filaments used in 3D printers. There are many more, but these are the standard and most popular of the bunch. Be aware though, that the best material should be the one that will correspond with the kind of project you will be conducting. Before purchasing one, weigh out the pros and cons first to avoid wasting materials and money.

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