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Diabetic Eye Care For A Better Life

By Donald Wright

Diabetes is a disease that extremely affects different areas of the body, particularly the eyes. It increases the chances of getting eye problems such as cataracts and glaucoma. As you can see, diabetes is the primary cause of blindness among individuals both young and adult. If you are lucky enough to have good eyesight, you may be shocked when your doctor recommends that you should see a good optometrist.

If your vision is good and it does not bother you at all, you still need to have your eyes checked. This is because there are lots of devastating eye problems that could develop without you noticing them. As mentioned earlier, glaucoma and cataracts are among of the many eye problems that often occur in older adults, especially those with diabetes. That is why it is important to have a regular Diabetic eye care Brooklyn NY.

The primary concern of a diabetic individual is the progression of diabetic retinopathy. Actually, this is a disease that could progress when the blood vessels in the retina are damaged. So when the condition progresses and worsen, you will begin losing your eyesight and becomes blurry and less intense.

Keep in mind that seeing the symptoms of a retinopathy condition is not possible even in early stages. In fact, the signs may stay unnoticed. But as the days pass by, this condition may become advanced and could potentially lead to complete blindness. Make sure to visit your doctor when you experience floaters, blurry vision, and so on.

Like any other doctor visits, your test always begins with questions and required you to answer them. You are asked to answer some questions or fill out a form that tackles about your overall health, your medications, and family medical history. While some of these details are not applicable to your condition, asking those questions is another way to determine the real cause of your eye problem.

As you can see, the best way of taking those problems related to diabetes is through regular monitoring, early detection, and prompt treatment. Basically, early detection and treatment begin with the retinal examination. If you wear contacts or glasses, you probably require a yearly exam to keep the prescription updated.

During the exam, your optometrist will perform a few minor exams to see if your eyesight has changed. The best way of minimizing the impacts of diabetes on the eyes and your body is to maintain a healthy lifestyle and control your blood sugar level. You may attend regular appointments to check your health and never skip those appointments.

Maintain a healthy weight and quit smoking if you smoke. Talk to your specialist in Brooklyn NY if you are having a hard time quitting smoking or losing weight. They can help you create an effective treatment plan. Your specialist may also recommend you to see a dietitian who can guide you develop a diet that encourages a healthier lifestyle and weight loss.

With the recent advancements in the treatment procedures, the chances of avoiding eye related conditions and vision loss are greater than ever. However, vigilance is recommended. If the person has experienced diabetes, it would be best to set annual tests with an optometrist to check your eyes and monitor your overall health.

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